Post-Jam Windows build with AUDIO and quality of life updates
Duality: Deep Corruption » Devlog

Made a post-jam build available as a standalone Windows download while the Ludum Dare rating session is still ongoing.
Here are a few of the more significant updates:
- SOUND! Music and effects have been added to the game, which helps a lot with feedback
- There's now an actual end screen that shows your playtime
- Settings menu for sound, as well as some instructions
- AI updates to make them less obviously dumb
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
Gameplay itself is mostly untouched as the game was initially designed as a jam game, so it's still a simple game - but hopefully a little fun still :D
I will update the browser build to the newest version once the rating session is finished.
Duality: Deep Corruption Play in browser
Apr 27, 2021
Duality: Deep Corruption - Windows 74 MB
May 10, 2021
Get Duality: Deep Corruption
Duality: Deep Corruption
Entry for Ludum Dare 48. Find and eliminate the corruption in the spiritual realm
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